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ACL Newsroom


The Apple Core & Apple Seed

The Apple Core & Apple Seed

The Apple Core

The Apple Core is Apple Canyon Lake's monthly newsletter. Find this newsletter in your mailbox monthly, or get a sneak peek before delivery via online viewing. 

Use the link below to read the latest and past editions of The Apple Core!

Note: If you are not receiving the newsletter, please contact Customer Service to ensure we have the correct address on file for you. 

Interested in advertising in The Apple Core, website, or one of our other publications? 
The Apple Seed

The Apple Seed is the Apple Canyon Lake Official Weekly e-newsletter delivered directly to your email address. The Apple Seed contains the most up to date information on amenities, events, hours and more.  The Apple Seed comes to your inbox every Wednesday! Your email must be on your member account with the Association Office in order to receive the Apple Seed. The Apple Seed can also be read on the Apple Canyon Lake app every Wednesday in the news feed!

Letters to the Editor are accepted from property owners. See Apple Core: Acceptance of Material in Board Approved Policy for details. Deadline is the 15th of each month.


The Apple Core is published by the ACLPOA for the benefit of its Members - to keep them informed about developments with respect to the lake, facilities, activities and finances; to report Board decisions; to provide a handy reference about rules, fees and coming events; and to afford a means of communication on questions and issues of importance to property owners.

The Editorial Review Committee shall consist of a member of the Board, who shall be the Chair, the General Manager, who shall be Vice Chair, the Editor of The Apple Core, who shall be the Secretary and such other members as the Board may appoint from time to time. This Committee shall prepare policies for the acceptance of material to be printed in The Apple Core, including but not limited to letters to the editor and policies for advertising material printed, which policies shall be submitted to the Board for approval annually.

The General Manager is responsible for having the paper produced. The Communications Director is the Editor. Any and all editorial material (copy other than paid advertising) must be submitted to the Editor’s office.

The Editorial Review Committee will determine whether or not letters, advertising material or any other material submitted for publication should be rejected. If material is rejected, property owners will be notified and told cause of rejection.


  1. Letters from Property Owners are welcome.
  2. Letters to the Editor must be:
    • Submitted and signed by a Property Owner.
    • Received by the 15th of the month prior to publication.
    • Confined to 250 words or less.
  3. The following guidelines for treatment of letters have been adopted for the purpose of encouraging expression of views with the focus on discussion of issues not people. Publication of letters does not necessarily imply agreement or endorsement by the Association or the Board of Directors.
    • Whenever possible, letters expressing views on both sides of an issue will be published at the same time.
    • Constructive criticism will be accepted. Positive suggestions for improvement are encouraged.
    • Letters must be in good taste. Those containing offensive or derogatory language, libelous statements or expressing personal grievances or conflicts will not be published.
    • Nothing in these guidelines should be construed to prohibit references to people so long as an issue of importance is the focus of the letter.
    • Editorial comments will be limited to factual clarification or update on the matter at issue. No point of view will be expressed.
    • With respect to Board Elections:
      • Candidates will be presented in the February issue.
  4. A special section for questions regarding candidates will be included in the February issue of The Apple Core. Questions regarding candidates must be received thirteen days prior to copy deadline in order to provide the candidates with the opportunity to respond in the same edition. Candidate responses must be received two (2) days prior to copy deadlines.

Adopted: May 16, 1998
Amended: April 21, 2001
Amended: September 20, 2001
Reviewed: November 15, 2008
Amended: November 19, 2011

Other Publications

Other Publications

The Canyon Chronicle

Apple Canyon Lake produces and mails to each owner, the Annual Canyon Chronicle, that features all the information you need for life at the lake!


To advertise in the Canyon Chronicle, email us or contact Jennie Cowan at (815)858-0428.

Service Directory

Apple Canyon Lake produces and mails to each owner, an annual Service Directory that highlights goods and services our members may find useful. Please take a minute to peruse the booklet and patronize the businesses that support ACL through their advertising sponsorship.


To advertise in the Service Directory, email us or contact Jennie Cowan at (815)858-0428.



Lot for Sale! 11-127 Hogan Ct. Must sell. No reasonable offer will be refused. Make an offer today. 815-492-5230 or [email protected]

Lot for Sale! Buildable lot. No charge. Lot 3A-144 General Jackson Dr. Buyer pays transfer and closing fees. Taxes paid for 2024. Contact David at 815-978-5161.

Lot for Sale: 5-28 Thunder Ct. $100. Contact [email protected].

Grime stoppers! Home & office cleaning services. Pam Koester 815-281-2334 or Paula Busch 815-291-3361.